Another Holiday Snap

A slow start with breakfast at the Antlers and then a whistle round the shop to pick up provisions. Gawd, there are some crabbit people employed in shops. Even community ones.
So, the short hop to Gigha in glorious sunshine. Blimey, few of the moorings have liftbuoys and I don’t have a swiftie-matic ! We could anchor of course, which we do whilst considering our options. In the end I row to a mooring and shackle on a strop before quickly weighing anchor and getting back to moor up as it’s a popular place and yachts are arriving constantly.
We don’t get off the boat till 7:30 when we buzz to the pontoon and take the short walk to the Boathouse. Gigha halibut please! And delish it is. And we meet my cousin’s son’s PE teacher, Mrs Duncan. I mean, what were the chances of that? Pretty high, probably.

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