For sale

We visited another castle in Kent today which, when I googled earlier, found it was for sale!  The current owner opens the gardens on certain days during the summer and it was a delight to wander around the grounds.  There was beautiful flower borders and a cutting garden to die for.  Huge sweet peas climbing through a wigwam, calling out to be picked before they turn to seed. Unfortunately I don’t have the necessary £15m purchase price, although even if I did I don’t think I would buy it.  My OH and I talked about what we would buy if we had that sort of money….. a fun day dream to while away the time.  Mine featured houses for the children and a property abroad, and some altruistic projects to ‘share the love’.  I might buy a lottery ticket this weekend - you never know!

It was still hot when we got back (after a nice pub lunch) so I pottered in the garden moving some cuttings into the shade and deadheading a few plants.  Cheese and biscuits was enough for dinner and we found an excellent film on Netflix - The 12th Man.  It’s a true story about WW11 - subtitles, but a great film.  Another good day.

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