Day 3 (13)

I have felt noticeably better today. I have had three naps, but I managed to be up a bit more in between and for her food i did slightly more than aim stuff at a microwave/the oven. I can't shake the foggy head, still have no sense of smell and my taste is right off but I've been more "up" and more present. She's been happier for it too.

I know it's another Katie reading photo, but we were on the sofa and she was just goofing and it was a spell where her goofing wasn't making my head hurt and I could laugh with her and it was a lovely few minutes.

She's spent a lot of time today building her new lego. And squealing with overjoyed happy at things like a 2cm sword of Gryffindor and a glow in the dark Nearly Headless Nick. And she's absolutely over the moon with the basilisk. She's lego-ed for hours. When she wasn't playing music or reading. 

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