Echo Beach

With rain forecast for the rest of the week and the joiner not blocking the garage and drive today, I thought I’d give the bike a run out to see my friend in Barrow. Very pleasant it was too - just the right temperature once on the move. Noticeably less mask wearing in Barrow - queue in Costa was out of the door but only a couple of people wearing masks. Contrast that with a trip to Asda in Kendal this evening, where just about everyone was masked up.
A profitable visit to the guitar shop whilst in Barrow. The Martin acoustic I left with them has now sold, the Telecaster I want has been ordered and is due in the U.K. mid October (this is a good thing - most of the new 2021 Fender guitar models are not due here until 2022) and my No.2 bass has been restrung with flatwounds. After all that, I still have some credit in my account. I suppose I could ask for that back, but maybe I’ll just leave it there in case something else catches my eye! Couldn’t take the bass home on the bike, but my friend said he will drop it off tomorrow when he comes through to Kendal. Took the coast road home and was pleased to see the tide was in (or as far in as it gets in Morecambe Bay, anyway!) so stopped by the beach at Bardsea for a quick photo. Can’t really see the beach or sea that clearly but I couldn’t get the bike any closer. Also not pictured are the hordes of people on the beach - just out of shot on the left!
This is my final week of gym membership at Pulse so I’m determined to go out on a high. Off to a good start tonight as I achieved PBs on all the exercises in my “pull” programme.
A good start to the week all round. We just need the joiner to reappear now so the wardrobe can be finished off and we can finally get all the clothes out of the lounge.

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