Honey Bee

Not really left the house today - just a trip to the gym before tea. On the way out, after a good workout, I spotted dozens of bees buzzing around the Catmint. Extremely difficult to actually get a decent photo as the bees were flitting from flower to flower at quite a pace. This one was kind enough to pause just long enough for me to capture an image that is reasonably in focus and not just a black and yellow blur half out of the frame!
This was my penultimate visit to this gym before my membership expires on Thursday. With effect from 1st August I will be going to the gym run by my personal trainer instead. By way of a farewell I managed PBs on all the exercises I attempted tonight.
The only other activity of note today, was getting the first two coats of varnish on the alcove lining in the lounge. You may recall that we had to remove the window to get this unit into the room, so I’m not going to rush the finishing touches. Just two small issues. Firstly, the wood filler I’d bought to fill in some tiny holes proved to be totally the wrong shade! I’ll see if it’s something the joiner could use as I can’t return it now it’s opened and it seems a shame just to bin it. The second issue is that I reckon I’m not going to have enough varnish. Even if I do get a complete third coat done on the unit, it won’t leave any spare for all the other odds and ends that still need varnishing. Looks like another trip to B&Q is in order tomorrow.
The long awaited rain has still not materialised - the forecast keeps moving the start time of the showers back. Should have been this afternoon, but now looking more like the early hours of tomorrow morning. I think we could be in for quite a wet Wednesday.

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