Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

They seek her here, they seek her there

I have waited days to catch an image of the leaf cutter bee that lays her larvae then seals their cells with pulped leaves. She has eluded me, that's not a first for the female of the human species but I did have high hopes for this little lady. She has however still been looking after her children, you can see the neatness of her cuts. 

In other news. Two gentlemen, former members of the East African Rifles left their club after lunch yesterday. Boarding a bus they continued their conversation.
"No, Reginald, I am certain it is Waooompah."
"Sadly David I feel you are incorrect, it is Waoomber."
A lady sitting behind the men nervously peeked forward, "Excuse me but I could not help overhearing your conversation, I think you will find it is spelled 'WOMB."
Reginald turned slightly and harrumphed, "Madam, I doubt you have ever seen a Hippopotamus, let alone heard one fart underwater."

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