6am she ran into my room "I got up nice and early mama so we can go for a walk!". And we did. Very gingerly for mama, walking reinstated my nausea for a while. But we did it. Then our friend picked us up and we headed for Suffolk. We found Mollie and family at Sizewell. Katie refused to eat her lunch due to being too excited by their kitten and the promise of the sea. They ran, threw stones and generally enjoyed being together. I sat. The car journey had been exhausting, I slept several times. I was glad I'd decided to not do the driving.

Anyway, Katie refused to come in our car for the drive to her course so we went on and they followed shortly after. Once they'd returned for the cats bowls that they left in the car park!

Covid security stuff done, the girls were deposited at the door to the rooms, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their third room mate who is also their friend. Time now for a week of glorious music for her! 

We have come part way home, stopping in Norwich for the night to break it up. My body is a little confused at what on earth I am playing at! 

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