
By LadyPride

Free as a bird

Today was nice. Up at 6.30am and out and on a train to Nottingham as I was guest lecturing again at Trent University.

Listened to music on the train and looked out of the window. Bliss.

Stopped off en route for a nice breakfast of green ham and eggs (pesto through scrambled eggs - delicious) at my old fave Delilah's with a coffee, fresh orange juice and a paper.

Really enjoyed the lecture and threw my hat in the ring to do some more in Autumn. There might be something more permanent in the offing there it sounds like. The course leader came in to see my lecture and was really positive. Naturally, the opportunity has arisen in Nottingham (where I used to live yet still spend an inordinate amount of time) and not Manchester where I live now. Typical. But am still excited.

Met up with my long lost pal Helen and her gorgeous two daughters Charlotte (pictured) and Chloe for a coffee afterwards. A right little pair of cuties they were too. Helen and I had to try and cram a five year catch up into an hour. We did pretty well considering!

Back to the train via Zara (a smash and grab shop). Made it home to bath my own little cutie.

Been nice to have a day to myself though.

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