Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

A little Wonder in itself…

… I can heartily recommend tours on this little bus. It pootles about the town stopping at all the interesting spots you’ve heard of and some you haven’t. It’s so nice to see it on the streets again (after all of the worries of Covid).

I enjoyed my art class last night. Learned a lot. (Mainly that I was right and had indeed forgotten any previous skills). When it finished I found Himself on his hands and knees trying to catch quite the biggest spider I have ever seen. It scampered about like lightening, but we managed to contain it, all legs in tact (hers not ours). It was then taken for a tour of the garden. (Hopefully not to return… You wonder? I’m sure these house spiders don’t fare very well outside? But we did our best). It was too late to blip it.

The wine forecast is up and running again and suggests ‘mellow and fruitfulness’ (and they say it’s not Autumn yet?). Happy Friday one and all :-)

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