Leapin Lizards!!!

Normally I can't get very close to lizards. They're shifty, and they scurry off.

But, this one let me get my 135mm lens on him, and then even let me put the 4x close-up filter on the 135mm. Not very many shots that close...but a few.

I'm thinking about hatching a plan for a new pair of shoes. Just like the old alligator shoes...how many lizards do you think it would take to make a nifty pair of loafers? I'm sure Lisa wouldn't care if I skinned the little suckers, and left them to dry in the kitchen. As Marge Simpson says..."Stylish."

We just got back from listening to a couple hours of karaoke. My brother Jim was singing...when he got his chance. He does a nice job...but answer me this question. Why is there always a guy who can't sing that has to try to belt out Frank Sinatra's My Way? Nauseating.

There was also a husband and wife team that performed. She could sing...he couldn't. Just awful. He sang Little Red Riding Hood while she put on the red shawl...some "eyeball" sunglasses, and some big ruby red lips. Cute.

Again...an unlucky 13 pictures on my Flickr Page.. Fishing snowy egrets, and some flower close-ups.

Slink it into large to see the scales. That's a lot of tiny little dots.

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