Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Shutter Art and Cables

A day of less walking, but quite a lot of moving forward in different ways and not without its challenges.

Bb managed to install our 'new' router, which was sent to us a while back, but when we were both working online we were nervous of trying to get it all connected for fear of something not working. We were right. It took him a while and I knew not to get involved or ask how things were going! Cables everywhere, Bb under the desk, calls to the dreaded Movistar again (helpful and knowledgeable person this time though), land-line downstairs not working. All fixed. Phew! Then I noticed the land-line upstairs wasn't working. Long story, lots of cables, another phone call. Fixed!!  I then tentatively tried to play music from my iPad through the speakers, like we do, from Spotify. Not working. Oops!  We got that fixed together.

Bb was on a roll by this time and went out to our wee local phone shop. The young guy there is calm and quietly helpful and we've both bought our androids from there over recent years. Bb today wanted help in setting up the 'free' phone we got with our new package a couple of months ago and it's been sitting unopened in the hall in its bag.  'Come back at 7pm' he said, taking Bb's old phone (teeny memory) and the new one. Bb went back then and we'd booked a table at our favorite Indian restaurant for 8pm. When I walked round the corner to see what was happening at 7.40, they were just finishing up. We were both so tired with all that, we didn't even fancy the 20 minute walk to the Indian restaurant! I cancelled it and we ate at our local Japanese restaurant instead, Chin's, on the terrace. Good choice and just up the road, 5 mins away, if that.

With all that cable business and my not getting involved, I managed to sort out some folding and putting away of clothes, start a 'give away' pile and an ironing pile. If Bb's work shirts weren't in the ironing pile, I'd just give that pile away! 

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