Ready for action

Battle preparations begin in earnest in 1 hour, when I have to take my first pre-load drink for the operation. Then one every hour up to and including 8pm.

Then it's two tablets and a self adminstered procedure to ensure that if there are any mishaps where my bowel gets 'nicked' during surgery, they have less of a problem to worry about.

And move on!

I still haven't packed my bag. Was going to go into the attic and get a bag down, but am not feeling particularly steady on my feet so climbing the ladder into the attic is not a great plan I think.

I am ready, in my head. It's time to do battle with Basil, as my womb sized ball of scar tissue has come to be known. I have a crack team of surgeons waiting to go and hopefully, by tomorrow evening, that will be that.

I am under no allusions. It is going to be painful post op and it is going to be a long, slow road to full fitness again. But I am ready for that too, although whether I have the patience for long and slow is another question.

I am ready to tackle the devastating effect that this has had on me physically and emotionally. I am ready to get my body back into shape instead of it being a wobbly, cellulite ridden shell that I cannot bear to look at. I am ready to get the colour back in my face, for my skin and my nails to look healthy, for my hair to grow back.

I am ready for a bloody great fight.

So, let battle commence...and thank you, my blip battalion for standing by me throughout all of this with your unwavering support. Normal Hebs Service will be resumed in a few weeks time...definitely by the summer ...

Tally ho!

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