By lizzie_birkett

Warm Enough to Sit Out!

Well Frank did, I was busy with my patchwork squares.
The garden has done so well for its first year and although I see a slight autumny decline in some of the flowers it's still lovely and colourful.
I could have made it look a bit more perfect if I had removed the whirligig and the basket of dog towels on the bench but this is no show house or posh garden - it's a home.

Today we've both been worried about some of our respective children. All round about their 40's, each has some problem or other just now, whether job related, personal or mental health. I don't think Covid is helping. I do sense a lot of changes afoot whether for better or for worse. All parents want is for their kids to be happy and healthy and get on with their lives and enjoy it. When they hurt, we hurt. I'll say a little prayer for each of them.

Last week before we left for the boat I had sewn the centre panel of squares together and laid the other ones in a particular order so I could carry on where I left off.....so I thought! When I laid it out on the floor I couldn't remember which ones should go on the left and which ones on the right.
I ended up piecing them altogether and going so googly eyed I had to stop for a while as my head hurt! Later I sorted it all out ready for sewing. I used to get such things done in a jiffy!
Another fat quarter arrived with a Kiwi birds design. As Amelia and Lucy's Daddy is from New Zealand I wanted some fabric with a link to their heritage.

My little lemon tree has flowers on it and they smell gorgeous!
There were also some nibbled leaves and when I looked closer I found tiny weeny green caterpillar type things. Sorry but I had to squish them :-/
Oh and there are massive red slugs in the veg plots. I just opened the 'Slug Pub' with the dregs of Frank's home brew.
At least they will hopefully die happy. I really don't like doing it but there are so many chomping their way through the veg.

Bed and Booktime now. I've only read the 1st chapter of the new book and I love it already. :-)X

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