Return to the Way of the Blip...

This is my return to the Way of the Blip as it is for me. The 1000 project was fun, I was well chuffed that it worked out so well (I just about made a doozy of the last entry, but managed to delete, fix and re-upload before anyone commented on it) and I really like getting my teeth into something technical like that within the Golden Rules.

Getting back to the Way of the Blip is about doing those wee blip moments, finding something interesting to photograph, searching out something or just looking as something in a different way or different angle.

Down near the Forth Bridges, is Port Edgar which is like a non-commercial port for leisure sailing. There's loads of interesting stuff lying around. I found a pile of these old lobster pots that had some old dead crabs and bait still in them. Fairly rustic, fairly old, fully stinky.

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