Well that was fun

I'm not going to write the name of this particular incredible human here, I'm going to see if my dad can recognise who Katie and I spent an amazing, bonkers, loud and brilliant afternoon with today. Needless to say, I was delighted. I have missed having this particular brand of inspiring crazy in my life so much. It was the first time she met Katie today and it was the first time in a lot of years I got to see her now an adult daughter.

Before we met up with them, Katie and I went over the bridge to her ballet lesson. She played on the beach for a bit and had her lunch before we drove over to the Lakeland park for the afternoon. Katie was straight in the water and swam determinedly for a long time. She only came out when a rowdy bunch of kids got in the water and started chucking stones. We'd positioned ourselves near the park so she went and played a while. We got a visit from a very sweet puppy who at that time didn't seem to have a person. We temporarily named the puppy Marjorie. She played and cuddled with us for quite a while but we wandered round with her to try find her person. The owner was right away from us and basically just letting her wander round! Katie had been given a lovely new colouring book so did some of that while we chatted. 

The girls went for a bit of a walk. While they did so, it seems they conspired in a plan to declare it food time. I had spotted a lovely looking village pub with outside tables so we headed there. They were a bit scowly about our lack of booking (despite several empty outside tables) but after much discussion agreed to allow us to eat! We stayed and chatted a while longer after our meal and when we got home, Katie put herself straight to bed! 

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