
By Grammy

Our Trip in Photos

Hot, humid and stormy with rain late afternoon. Up at 6:30 but it took me four hours to get ready to leave. The trip was uneventful other than watching crazy drivers trying to cause accidents. The pain/stiffness in Hubby’s bum knee forced him to stop occasionally and walk it off. We stopped at a Chick Fil A for lunch. Their employees are the friendliest and most efficient in the fast food industry. They always have fresh flowers on the dining tables which I think is a nice touch. And their food is tasty too. I look forward to my first peach milkshake every summer. Yum! Hubby and I love to watch the clouds when traveling and today, they put on quite a show: stormy, fluffy, foreboding, and finally, as low hanging fog. And oh, the rain in Pennsylvania. We had to pull off the road and wait until we could safely see other drivers. Ditches overflowed onto the roadway in places. My sister and her hubby cleared the unpaved roads around the ridge of big branches that fell during the storm. That way, we could get safely to their home. It seems at least one tree falls on the path with every storm. Today was no exception. We arrived in under nine hours, unpacked the car and enjoyed lumpia, pancit and dumplings, followed by apple pie. My children reported that the storms at home knocked out power for hours. It was out sporadically here too but my sister has a “must have” whole house generator. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate all your stars and nice comments on my creations from yesterday. “Clouds, they make a painting out of the sky.” - Marty Rubin

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