Pawly puddy cat

Little old man Tommy the Cat is not looking well.

Whilst we were away last week, a little wound in his head has grown sideways and got infected. All the vets around us are so busy, and despite sending photos of the green ooze when requested, we finally managed an appointment today.

So antibiotics and a collar and some wound cleaner and a ‘stay home’ order were well received, along with a gentle warning that if he doesn’t respond to antibiotics, we may be getting to ‘that point’!

He’s aged suddenly and quickly. His fur falls out in tufts everywhere. He’s lumpy and skinny but still jumps fences, stares at us wide eyed and winsomely but the main thing is his head wound. It’s spreading. :-(

And NoaNoa got his GCSE results today. He is relieved. We are delighted. Unlike many of his friends at other schools, he sat over 20 papers with no teacher adjustments and so it was a complete unknown. Phew. Onwards to 6th form, with top grades in the subjects he’d already chosen to do at A level. :-)

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