The WILD WILD Petrified Forest
It is amazing down here...there is so much to we went to the wild wild ocean to see the blowholes and The Petrified Forest.
It was so windy and wild we nearly got blown over...not to mention sandblasted.
Lets say it wasn't a place to take a picnic and hang out on a Sunday afternoon.
Here the water was turquoise .....and the cemetery for many a poor ship passing by and entering the wildness to finally find their resting place at the bottom.
....And the big question...was it The Portuguese or the English that got here first?
Unfortunately there wasn't time to walk the 5 kms to see the seals in their little caves...besides it was too windy ............there is a boat that could of taken us there but I had a very strong suspicion that it was staying tucked up in it's safe place today. I am hoping to get out there before I go home.......I have to..... I promised Flynn.
The Petrified Forest is another of those remarkable landmarks on this planet...what you are seeing is trees that have been this intense weather and the salt spray over many years.........I felt humbled and in awe standing amongst this ancient history.
(My friends from England said to me not long ago..... We have ancient history in England and Europe you have the Ancient true.)
It was one of those days that I had several brilliant photos to post...the ocean around the blow holes were pretty amazing...with huge water spray and waves being pushed up many many metres ...... then there was the white white sand and turquoise ocean...and the sun on the cliff face was pretty spectacular too.......but I had to share this....this is out of the box.....I really hope this is good enough to impart some of the specialness I felt.......this is really worth looking at Large...I wish it could go really large so you could see all the detail.
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