Single Pigeon

An early start today as we wanted to get down to Chester in plenty of time to do some food shopping and then go for a relaxed wander around the city centre. Somewhat knackered though as I had been up until 1.30am, boxing up twenty hardback books which someone had bought on eBay at 11.30!! As they were wanting them ASAP, I couldn’t really leave it until we were back on Friday, so the only option was to get them all wrapped and then drop off at a UPS collection point in Chester. Which I did, and it all went very smoothly in the end. Another big chunk of stuff that we had been hoarding, now out of the house - hurrah!
After treating ourselves to food shopping in Waitrose, we had lunch at the flat and then walked leisurely into the town. Came off the city walls by the cathedral and walked past the “official pigeon feeding area”. Obviously an attempt to stop people randomly feeding the pigeons, and it seems to work as there is not much evidence of mess elsewhere in the city. The pigeons obviously expect to be fed though. As soon as we stopped they clustered round, and this fellow gave us a particularly hard stare! And not just the pigeons - squirrels are normally quite shy but here they were almost running over our feet as they foraged for whatever the pigeons dropped.
I’m actually looking forward to a couple of “easy” days - the flat is very much our oasis of calm and order at the moment, and it’s nice waking up not having to think “what do I need to varnish/fill/arrange/throw out today”
Some good news though. I had my annual diabetes review yesterday and received a text this morning saying the bloods were all normal. The important hba1c figure was slightly up but still within parameters - this had been anticipated though, as I had come off one of the drugs at Christmas but hadn’t been able to do as much running since, due to my damaged tendon. If I can sort some alternative cardio work until I can run again - and keep an eye on what I’m eating - I’m confident I can get that figure back down again by next review.

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