I Write The Songs

Probably the most expensive book I have ever bought, I got this in February when it was “on offer” (£60 rather than £75) but have only just got round to reading it. Paul McCartney says in the intro that he has been asked many times to write an autobiography, but this is the closest we are going to get.
Basically, an A-Z (Y, actually, there are no songs beginning with Z!) of many of his songs, with the lyrics printed in full and accompanying prose and photographs to put the piece in context of when and where it was written and what his inspiration was.
I’m up to “D” and it’s been a fascinating read so far. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of it, and I suspect it’s going to be one of those books that I will revisit over time.
The only issue now is finding room for it on the bookshelf when I have finished reading it…
(And, yes, I know that today’s blip title is a song that was written by Bruce Johnston of the Beach Boys and made popular by Barry Manilow, but the only McCartney song that sort of fitted the bill was “Paperback Writer”. And a paperback, this book most assuredly isn’t!)

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