Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

And again

Sorry another lame shot from me again. It was either this taken at 5am or no snap at all. Determined not to miss any days this year so here it is.

L woke up hot in the night but seemed right as rain by morning. It was her "special day" at preschool today where she gets to be a star for the day, have her parent in session with her, help with the register etc. i had toddlers wanting to sit on my lap or talk to me in their scary toddler noises. eek!

The heating was broken so L sat there shivering in her coat and gloves. We tried warning her up with a sleeping bag which did the trick but she then fell asleep and missed most of the action. I took her home and she spent the rest of the afternoon half asleep and burning up. Can't believe she's poorly again!

She's just woken up terrified and seeing things. Really frightened us all but she's ok and off to sleep again now.

E's having some problems with a girl from school. She doesn't want me to get involved in case this girl finds out and hurts her again. In the meantime shes emailed her teacher to let him know a bit about what's happening so I guess for tomorrow at least, i need to give her a chance to deal with it in her own way.
I can remember being upset about things when I was at school. I had no idea how horrible it is for the parents too.

Hope I've not depressed everyone reading this today. On a positive, first day of spring. Yippee :)

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