Orange Jedi

Thanks for all your well wishes yesterday. 
I have taken it as easy as I could today. I did do the Aldi shopping as I'm quicker hobbling with a boot and crutch than what Mr R would be doing the shopping. And we had a play at the park. I sat on a bench and behaved myself. 

I also went back to bed this morning for a hour as I had been awake and up since half 3. 

As you can tell the Jedi had spaghetti Bolognese for dinner and is orange. His body underneath his best is covered. He needs to eat just in his nappy. They are now all in the bath. Mr R is tidying the kitchen and emptying the dishwasher and will get the Jedi dressed after his bath. I will finish making our curry for dinner when he puts the Wildlings to bed. 

The big boys have had a butthead kind of day and have argued and generally been wee keeks. So I banned their tablets. Lincoln has a squealy kind of voice and it has been grating on me. But overall it's had quite a few positives to our day. 

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