
By Mindseye

A walk in the woods

A later night than intended, but was awake not long after 7.30......lazed a while, then up showered, downstairs for breakfast. I was stood in the kitchen staring out of the window, thinking about what hub would do about a certain situation, I was amazed to see a big white feather drift down from the sky and land on the lawn about 5 metres in front of me!!!!
So timely, just what I needed x :-)

The baskets got watered, my belongings put in the car, then a drive over to my sis's for just after 11am as planned.

I knocked, Kobi came to the door, with his big lilac octopus dangling from his mouth (I could make this out through the frosted glass), he knew it was me from my voice, I could hear his tail thumping the cupboard in the hallway, in his excitment! It was soon obvious that sis wasnt in, she would not allow him to bark as he was. I rang her, she was on her way back, her last training session had run over by some 30 minutes lol!!

We went indoors, met up with Kobi and his Octopus, a big soggy furry lilac thing that resembles Animal from The Muppets!! Sis got ready then we were off to do some shopping, both browsing and purchasing ;-) We had lunch whilst we were out.

Back home again, sis prepared dinner, a chinese marinated chicken dish with onion rice, then we got our trainers on and took kobi out for a decent walk.......8,500 steps, not too bad. Rhis wooded area is literally a few metres across the road from sis's house.....lthere were lots of jays on the trees, but couldnt see them sadly, so these tall purple wild flowers (weeds?!!) will have to do for todays blip

BiL had just arrived home when we got back,
we sat in the garden for a while before dinner, had a natter indoors afterwards. Sis and I are looking to book a Spa Day for both our birthdays, that passed unmarked in terms of pressies to each other.....we found a couple to look at in more detail.

Drove home, unpacked the car, shopping away, just in time to watch Master Chef.

I am going to try and have an earlier night tonight, get up earlier and hopefully tackle the garden tomorrow.

Hope you are all doing ok out there and keeping safe

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