
By Mindseye

Night time

Slept well, woke just before 8, just a few strawberries for breakfast, then out at 9.30, into town, needed to post a package, got a couple of cards, some bread......popped into Costa for a flat white, a lovely one it was too!

Then back home, a quick change into a dress, it was warm and sunny, finally :-) then a xrive into Cheshire to meet up with two older couples who have been our friends for a long time.......not seen them since hubs funeral :-/
As soon as I turned down the sliproad onto the M6 I could see 3 lanes of solid slow moving traffic....I was 15 minutes late bymthe time I got to the pub where we were meeting for lunch.

It was good to see them, we had a nice catchmup, talked about hub a lot, remembering some of the good times we had all had. Afterwards we headed back to D&Bs house for coffee and cake......which was rather nice......sat in the garden. We did have to get the citronella candles out, those pesky wasps were everywhere!! Left for home around 4.20, was almost 5.30 when I got home, motorway was slow again!

Back home, a light chicken salad for tea, then hanged into jeans and tee, grabbed my camera and off out again to meet,up with my camera club chums for an evening photography session at Media City, Salford Quays.

Initially we were disappointed with the light, but as the sun set, we got lucky, see extra.
My main blip is obviously after dark, looking across the quay back towards Media City. I sm pleased with this shot, I love all the colours and reflections on the water.

Drove home again, in just after 10pm......a busy but enjoyable day. My neighbour popped round with a parcel.......my new ipad, somthats a job for the next day or so, setting it up etc.
Should keep me quiet for a while lol!!

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