
After lunch Lucy and I took O to Wisley where he had great fun playing in the sand and water. Not quite the beach but lots of fun had. It was very busy and I’ll take him back once schools return, weather dependent of course, as he was loving it. A drink and change of wet clothes before heading over to see Rebecca and meet her new kitten, Ziggy.

The day Rebecca was flying to Spain a friend, who is a dog walker/animal sitter, contacted her to say one of her clients wants to re home a kitten and could Rebecca take it on . The answer was yes straight away ~ I didn’t go searching mum he just found me was what I was told. Anyway she picked him up on Monday the day she got back from Spain. He’s 3 months old a lovely. However, O was a bit too rough with him . Poor thing!  A flying visit because Rebecca was off to a friends evening wedding reception and we had to get home for tea, bath and bed.

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