The Ribbon Boat, Whitstable

I've finally been given a couple of days off - yahooooooooooo! My boss had just come back off a two week holiday so I really felt it was only fair that I was allowed a couple of days off. Amazingly, he agreed with me. Wonders really will never cease!
Yesterday was my first day off so decided to take it easy but still had a very tasty brunch down the local pub, sitting outside with a lovely cold beer. It was rather excellent and so relaxing.
Today me and my brother decided to do one of our trips to Whitstable. A place we love to visit for a day trip. On the way there we managed to get a bit lost but then I remembered to look at the google maps function on my newish smartphone and so by default I became a human sat nav! In reality, we would have found our way there anyway but it did help confirm we were finally going in the right direction (especially as I realised we'd passed through the same village twice). We had a little bit of trouble parking but after finding a space we headed straight to the Old Neptune pub (which I'v mentioned in previous blips) for a cold pint. Having been in my dark studio for quite a few weeks it took me a while to adjust to the strong sunshine of a summer's day but the beer helped enormously.
We sat for a little while and then decided to go for a longish walk along the seafront while looking out at the shingle beach. This has many boats, kayaks, canoes, surfboards and small yachts strung like a multi-coloured ribbon along the high water mark of the beach. I loved the one in the main image which was festooned in rather beautiful ribbons. The first extra, "Why Does It Always Rain On Me?", just reminded me so much of The Travis song of the same name. I imagined this woman was walking along trying to protect herself from the rain cloud that seemed to be following her! I think she was actually trying to protect herself from the very strong midday sun but the song stuck in my brain none the less.
The second extra, "One Love", is of the striking tennis courts that sit just behind the sea wall and the last two images are of the beach huts that now sell for tens of thousands of pounds each. While we were there we only saw one to two of them actually in use.
All in all we had a very enjoyable trip and the journey back took up much less time as we knew where we'd gone wrong on the way there!

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