
By cakescakescakes

Candlelit dinner for two?

No. Just yet another power cut!
Wintery and wild here today. Lots of snow blowing around in the strong wind but still no white stuff to play in. The dog walk was particularly perishing but they didn't seem to notice or mind and still had their usual swims as well. Mad boys that they are!
Quick trip to town for essentials (and maybe a wee coffee out) before starting on today's baking effort. Home. Oven on. Scales out. Flour in mixing bowl. Power off! And off it stayed all afternoon.
Boys had a pal over after school so dinner was cooked on a one ring gas camping stove. Not enough cooking capacity for vegetables but they seemed to have managed to survive this great loss. Thankfully plenty baking goodies left to serve as pudding.
Couple of cakes in oven now and I'm afraid that is going to have to do; I have a strict no baking rule once the first glass of wine poured and that is just about to happen!
Happy weekend everyone!

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