
By MamaOfBoys

Epilepsy's cruel hold

This morning started differently.

Already in the night Kanye had had 6-7 seizures that had caused him to stop breathing, its heart breaking to hear your child not be able to breathe and not be able to do anything about it.

When he finally woke he was exhausted.
He continued to seize which was unusual for him to have so many. He had around 10 + seizures, big ones too, in the space of an hour and a half. Its hard to see him have a seizure sometimes he falls, other times when he comes out of it he cries and smacks his head so you know it must be painful.

I dressed him for school, he had stopped seizing and i thought he might be alright, dropped Marley at kindy and by the time i got to school he had fallen asleep in the pram (its not safe enough for him to walk very far with the type of seizures he has - the falling kind, something i get a lot of stares for).
I told the school i was taking him home and explained what had happened.

When i got home i called the neurology nurse who works closely with Kanye's neurologist- the seizures that kanye had this morning were not typical and i didn't know what to do.

She said if he was sleeping it was good, i explained everything to her and she was going to relay this information to the neurologist,she was unsure if this was status epilepticus- a state of ongoing seizure or seizures something that can be potentially fatal but seeing as he was asleep she doubted it. she said if this wee to happen again when he woke then to call her back and bring him in to see the neurologist that day (not due to see him until next Tuesday), and that if i were ever worried about something not being quite right with his seizures to bring him to hospital anyway, medical professionals would rather be safe than sorry and would not fault me forgetting him checked out, she said the neurologist would speak further with me about what had happened and see the video of one of his big seizures on Tuesday.

When he woke, he was happy, smiley and it was like a breath of fresh air, he had energy and even at one point tried juggling my fruit.

My mum had come over and so i had to run some errands i took him out with me being very conscious he probably still wasn't 100%.

In the afternoon i broke down, i had held it together for him all day the lack of sleep probably didn't help me either,i just couldn't face seeing him have another seizure today, my heart was broken from what it does to him and for the fact that this continues to interrupt his life on a daily basis, i don't want this for him i want it to stop, so my hubby came home from work early and took over taking care of the kids while i slept for a while, and amazingly Kanye didnt have another seizure at all.

Fingers crossed this kind of event never happens to my baby again.

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