Big long walk

This morning I went on a big long walk (7.42 miles) so I only got a little walk this afternoon.

For most of my walk I was a perfect pooch. I had lots of off lead run about time, I played with other dogs and I greeted their humans sensibly and didn't do any of my silly puppy jumping up. But guess what happened about half way through my big long walk?....................... There we were, walking along a little path which had loads of gorse bushes on one side, when I suddenly raced off in chase mode and disappeared into the gorse bushes. Ann has absolutely no idea what I was chasing. She doesn't think it was a squirrel because squirrels go up trees and there were no trees in the gorse bushes because I can't climb trees I usually come back to Ann pretty quickly. It might have been a rabbit, but rabbits normally go down their burrows and I'm too fat to fit down their burrows so I usually come back to Ann pretty quickly. She thinks it might have been a deer because the only other time that I've been missing for so long was when I disappeared into gorse bushes a little bit further on from where we were today and that time I actually managed to flush out four deer!!!

Anyway, I didn't come back to Ann for ages. Actually it was probably less than 5 mins. And she was getting really upset. She was shouting and shouting me, but whatever I was doing in the prickly bushes was obviously a lot more fun than coming back to Ann.

Eventually less than 5 mins later I came zooming back to Ann. Phew! And the rest of my walk passed without incident.

…...................Sometimes I am such a worry.

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