Flop down & reminiscing

My human has had such a busy day. I had to go for my walk at 7am. I was still a bit sleepy then. It was positively autumnal this morning. We went to 'Morningside Park' and Ann actually thought the grass looked frosty. Having said that, the day warmed up, so we sat on the balcony for half an hour from 5.45pm tonight. It's a bit cold now though, so I've come indoors, gobbled up my dinner and am curled up fast asleep in my little bed.

Ann worked 9.30-1.30pm, then we went to Aldi, then we went to Fairmilehead Park so that I could play with my ball. That tired me out really quickly so I kept having to have little 'flop downs'.

Aren't the lovely wild flowers behind my 'flop down' spot lovely????

I had to stay 'home alone' again while Ann popped out to do a M&G. She was back within a couple of hours. Yay!

My human is really busy these days..........................

 When we look back on FB & Blip to see what we were doing the first year she adopted me (2019)............. she was doing a lot of M&Gs because that meant leaving me for a couple of hours at a time. And I had to practise staying 'home alone' every single day. It was the ideal job whilst training a gorgeous little collie pup.

 Ann gave up her membership at 'Juvenate' because she wanted to focus her time on training me to become a 'perfect pooch' so she didn't have time to do anything else. She didn't have a 'proper job', her income came from renting out our home in Cornwall. Still does  And then..................... just as we thought life was pretty much perfect (and Ann had re-joined Juvenate) and I was toilet trained and didn't chew the walls when I was left 'home alone'.................. LOCKDOWN happened.

Our lives will forever be known as pre/post LOCKDOWN.

From the 23rd March 2020 when Boris announced on the 10pm news, 'You must stay at home'; ….....our lives changed dramatically overnight. For the next 3 months I was with Ann pretty much 24/7. For the next three months, the only time I got left 'home alone,' was for one hour, once a week, when she went out to do a supermarket shop for herself & her friends elderly mother.

During that first LOCKDOWN, when you could only go out for one hour a day, and everyone was being encouraged to 'snitch' on their neighbours if they broke the rules (and there were no support bubbles for single people), we used to go out the back door for my morning walk and out the front door for my afternoon walk, because after all I'm an energetic little collie pup and living in a 4th floor flat, toileting issues could have become a problem.

It all seems crazy now, but police were actually patrolling the parks/open spaces and moving people on if they dared to sit down for a rest. And they weren't moving on the teenagers/students who were all congregating together, they were moving on the 'single old people' who had sat down for a rest because they were tired. Though tbh a lot of the seats in public places were taped up so you couldn't sit down on them anyway.

…...............And this BLIP is becoming a bit rambly now isn't it?

Fast forward to three years later........................ I'm pretty much a 'perfect pooch'. LOCKDOWN seems to have worked in my favour. I have a really good bond with my human, I'm more than happy to stay 'home alone', I'm happy to go in the car, I'm really well behaved when I go on a bus, I'm good when I go into pubs/cafes, etc, etc, etc.

….............And now my human has a lovely part-time job at Wilkies, she's still doing a few M&Gs, she's rejoined Juvenate, I'm still getting lots of lovely walks because I am her main priority. BUT, my human is constantly tired because she's busy, busy, busy...................

However................. she would rather be tired because she's busy, busy, busy,................ than tired because she's been sitting on the sofa watching daytime TV all day.


Toodles. xxx

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