Not much happening

It's been one of those days when not much has been happening. After my walk this morning, Ann binge watched some more of 'Downton Abbey' on Netflix. She's up to Series 4 now. There's loads of things she could have been doing but she couldn't be bothered because lock down has turned her into a fat lazy slob!

I got left 'home alone' while she popped out for coffee with a couple of friends. After that, we went to Aldi for a few bits and then I went to Colinton Mains Park to play with my ball. I couldn't really be bothered to play with my ball today. Maybe Ann's laziness is rubbing off on me? I flopped down after about 5 mins!!!

We're heading back down to Cornwall on Thursday and Ann's having a real headache trying to decide what clothes to take. It seems to be mega warm in Cornwall at the moment, but we're staying for a few weeks so it could be like winter by October.

Oh and guess who we're staying with en-route? Normally we stay with Ann's sister & family but unfortunately Ann's nephew has COVID so we thought it was best to avoid them. …..............We're staying with Ann's bestie in Nuneaton and she owns Jax the Romanian puppy. It will be really interesting to see how big he is now because when he stayed with us in June he was bigger than me. And he also kept jumping on me and wanting to have sex but I'm not that type of girl he's been 'done' now so I'm hoping he won't be doing that any more. Lol!!!

In an effort to stop being a 'fat lazy slob' while we're in Cornwall, Ann has signed up to do a 'smartphone photography course' and she's signed me up to do a few weeks of 'agility classes'. She'd also like to sign up to do some pilates classes and some sort of dance aerobic classes to counteract all the eating & drinking she will be doing but hasn't found any yet.

Anyway, I'm back in my bed snoozing and Ann's back in 'fat lazy slob about mode'?!!! ….................An evening watching 'soaps' beckons!!


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