
By Lenore


You just get a great picture of them, and think how proud you are that he is your child. 

We went fruit picking this morning, super lovely. Took lots of pictures of the boys in action ( mostly eating raspberries, they didn't seem to pick many that made it to the punnet). However, this picture trumped all the others I took. 

Home with raspberries, courgettes, gem squash (super delighted with them, so hard to find here!), plumbs and a bunch of sun flowers. Quite a haul!

Raspberry jam making this afternoon, the taste testers are happy with the results. 

Dog walk with they boys, they were pretending to go to sleep in the straw in the field as we walked, it did look very comfy!!

Today I'm grateful for:
Fab morning picking fruit, we all loved it
Finding gem squash, a staple with meals cooked by my mother in law and therefore quite special 
The school holidays, or jolidays as I accidently typed before spell check sorted it, I think jolidays is the perfect word. We've had a magical time - last day tomorrow before school on Friday. 

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