campervan man

By campervan

So today
Did badly on Pop Master ( '90 hits for a bonus subject, not a hope for me)
Waited for the Tesco man to deliver our order (he kindly waited until Top Master finished). Much smaller now all the visitors have gone.
Off to the fruit and veg wholesaler for healthy stuff. Their produce always seems so much fresher than the supermarkets. and they are always pleasant and helpful.
Home for a pate on toast lunch
Evening meal was home made bread (Italian herb), home made soup (tomato) followed by home made cake. Many thanks to Wife, really delicious.

Project update - All afternoon moving wheelbarrow loads of hardcore, sand/cement bedding mix, and a few bricks and buried paving stones, to the other side of the garden. Not a lot of fun but now all done.

These flowers watched me stagger past a dozen times with barrow loads of heavy stuff during the afternoon. I stopped partway through to take this blip. At the time the important thing was the stop part of that statement, the blip was a bonus. I took a long time to get the right shot but that might have just been an excuse.

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