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Early start to get the husband to the station for 7.30, but the plus side was the boys were super awake and focused when  we got home, breakfast and getting dressed was super easy! We were even ery for school, which is unlikely to last...

I had a great, if guilt ridden day. Made jam this morning from the plums picked the other day and starting to desperately need something doing to them. And then I met my lovely friend who now lives in New York. Barely time to catch up together before I had to get the boys and rush to the doctors for the youngest to have his stitches out.

Good reports from the boys about school, they seemed happy and full of beans about being back. I had a lovely email from their teacher saying how well they had both done. 

Today I'm grateful for:
Old, long, friendships that pick up where they left off, time and time again
School going well
Our neighbour looking after the boys when I went to collect the husband (I think she secretly likes it!)

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