True Colours

In actual fact, the face of this paperweight is plain silver. But it was on the window sill and I noticed a flash of colour as I walked past it. Colour that really became apparent when I zoomed in with the camera. I’m assuming it has something to do with the daylight being refracted due to the shape of the object.
For anyone unfamiliar with the subject, it is the astronomical clock on the town hall in Prague. Built in 1410 it is the oldest working astronomical clock in the world. This little paperweight is a souvenir of Mrs C’s visit there back in 2005.
Another quiet day today. A good gym session this morning, but little after that until my nephew and his partner called by this afternoon on their way home from a weeks holiday in the Lakes. They live in London but, apparently, it’s busier up here than down there - something confirmed by a friend who was in London to see a show last week. It would seem that now is the best time to go to London to see the sights without the crowds! It was good to see them both and they have already booked the same hotel in Braithwaite for the same time next year. But we might actually see them first in London as we have a concert at the O2 scheduled for June 2022. I wonder what the Covid situation will be by then - will the foreign tourists have returned, I wonder?
I’m going to make the most of this weekend as next week is looking a bit mad busy already. I stand a better chance of hitting the ground running on Monday morning, if I can just take it easy until then. So that’ll be mostly just slobbing out in front of the telly, with a little light play rehearsing thrown into the mix tomorrow afternoon.

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