Thank you for all your kind comments and good wishes for our night out .
It was an odd but interesting evening, a murder mystery based on the series “ ello ello “
The actors were impressive , we were to work in teams and woven in was a three course meal , all socially distanced. We solved the crime quite early on but it was more difficult to collect the evidence. It made a change to socialise with people we hadn’t met before and I have to confess that I really enjoyed dressing up a bit . The dress I wore was bought for me by my daughter from a charity shop with the help of her aunty Jan ( Harling Darling ) and it was nice to think of them , out shopping g together .
Today has been a day with Arthur who is now up stairs sleeping peacefully while we are slumped in front of the fire and telly . The seasons are definitely changing . It won’t be long before we will need to stick the central heating on .
Happy Saturday xx

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