Sole & Isidro

A day that all led up to baptisms in the sea in the early evening. Danny drove Sole and Isidro, so Asha and I walked along the coast. It took us over an hour and a half in the hot sun, but it was so worth it for the chat with Asha and the walking in the sea.
Great to be with people and be witness to these baptisms, where people basically declare they're all out (or in?!) for Jesus. The Spanish seem to like wearing white for this, which I'm pretty sure my UK church said to wear anything but white! Still, it makes for nicer photos and reflections!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Ibuprofen - I woke up with a really weird neck, and kind of waves of nausea going through the right side of it - very odd. Ibuprofen saw me right though!
2) Sharing these special occasions with people.
3) My shower after our hot, sweaty and sandy walk. It felt sooo good!

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