
...which is how I feel as we limp towards the end of this 3 month no school period. I'm really looking forward to getting back into school routine and having days more clearly defined. 
The day started with the 8,30 livestream from our UK church. Then on to making the beeswax order I put off the other day. We've had Isabel over most of the day, she joined us for a roast dinner at lunchtime. She's sleeping over too. Danny took the 3 off to the park to run off steam whilst I had some time to walk and pray, and sit and chat for a good half hour with a friend on the street. Then later church with the folks who got baptised yesterday.
It's 11pm here and there's still a lot of chatter coming from the kids bedroom!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lovely voicenotes with friends.
2) Danny getting lots of the homeless washing done.
3) A day with lots of different people from different walks of life. 

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