A day to myself

A warm sunny day at last. Finally it feels like summer! Andy had a morning off dog walking, so I took Merlin on a long walk over in the field and lanes, and home via the stream for a cool down. So good to get some decent exercise and in such a enjoyable and relaxing way. And to have some bonding time with Merlin.

I’ve had a day of doing things I’ve not had time to do for quite some time - relaxing reading in the sunshine, ordering some winter salad seeds, fixing my very old bike so I can use it to ride to and from the allotment, cleaning in and around my (green plastic) ‘greenhouse’, sorting out my files on the computer and downloading my latest course work books which I need to start to complete.

I also sowed some lettuce, spinach and kale seeds in the raised beds so we’ll see if they grow. The carrots are finally ready for harvesting and we enjoyed some with our dinner this evening.

Hoping you too have had a good day and have had some time to please yourself. Life can be so full it is hard to get the space you need to feel okay but at some phases of life it is so easy to also feel alone and with too much time. I feel most grateful for the company I currently have in my life and to also have space to breathe for myself.

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