Back to Basics

We are revisiting some basic dog training with Merlin as he is getting very distracted by the scent of deer when we are out walking.  The grass in this field was cut earlier in the summer and we think the deer are coming down to graze the fresh grass in the evening.  If off the lead, Merlin runs around with his nose to the ground following the scents and not listening to our commands.  So he is now on the long lead when we get to this part of the field so we can practice recalls and try to get him to return to us even when distracted by a scent.

Other than dog walking we've been to the allotment to harvest tomatoes, courgettes, runner beans and sweetcorn, Andy has made courgette soup, and I have baked cranberry and coconut rock cakes and juiced apples.  We've also moved the bed in to the garage for collection.  Looking forward to sitting down this evening.  I hope you have some time to rest too, if that is what you wish to do.  Take care and all the best.

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