
By XSworld

Travel day

...so I wont be photographing anything today, still I couldn't resist snapping a photo of this old couple admiring the selection of sweets in the pastry shop where sat while we were waiting for the reaults of my daughter's Covid-antigen test (she needed that to obtain the Green Pass so as to be able to take the long distance train). This photo is very different from what I've posted before but I thought their outfit was just too amazing not to share with more people. The unifying color is PINK (I'm not sure how well that comes through) and they looked so wonderfully in love, hand in hand, having put careful thought into every single detail of their look. I adore the husband for having agreed to put on a pink, short sleeve jacket, pink straw hat and flashy white sunglasses and I hope they were not going anywhere special, that this was just the way they dressed up for a walk in the center of a small town on a monday morning. I wonder if my better half would be eager to embark on that kind of a journey with me when we grow older.

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