
By XSworld

Hang in there..

Grasshoppers jump, no doubt about that, and they can jump quite far, or around 20 body lengths (we would have to be able to jump over 35 meters to equal their ability). Their jump path resembles a perfect parabole and as their jump is often a quick reaction to something (e.g. the approaching of the sole of my shoe) the question is: do they know where they'll land? I have know idea! One way to answer that would be to compare their distance vision to their jump-distance. Can they see as far as they jump? Or are they just lucky to have wings that help them out in case they miscalculate the suitability of the landing spot? Who knows! When I walk in the meadows, with every step that I take a bunch of grasshoppers jump out of my way, and although they seem to go randomly in all directions, I have never witnessed an in air crash..have you? Is that coincidence or are they coordinated? There are so many questions, so few answers. However, the fellow on the photo jumped out of my way in the meadow and landed on a thin flower stem which immediately bent from his weight and it looked as if my little friend was in trouble and not able to jump right out again. Was that a planned landing?

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