Sandy Seagull Ping Pong, Margate

This is a little bit of a back blip as it's now Tuesday evening but a combination of the sea air kicking in on Sunday evening (it always makes me sleepy) and a very busy day at work yesterday made me so tired I just couldn't get myself going enough to do my blip (note to self - must try harder!) or go through my images properly until tonight.
On Sunday itself we got up very early for a run and then set off for Margate. It was a proper summer's day for once, blue skies, fierce sunshine and very, very warm heading towards baking hot.
When we arrived we entered parking hell as we didn't have enough change, couldn't get the sodding suggested app to work and apparently didn't enter the correct text message either. Went to a different car park, this time it accepted cards except, of course, my brother's. Tried to get change from a cafe on seafront but they only took cards -aaaarrrrghhhhhh!!!!! So it was back to the first car park via buying a Snickers bar with a ten pound note to get some change. So after about half an hour of being driven round the bend (a very appropriate metaphor) we were finally able to go for lunch!
We picked a seaside shack that served up huge Hog Roast Rolls. They were absolutely delicious but probably one of the messiest things we've ever eaten. After that it was time for a visit to the pub for a pint in the shade and then a bit of culture at the Turner Contemporary. A rather excellent day despite the car based frustrations (and a lot of swearing). See the extras for some more images from the day.

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