Life, not as we see it.


Contented Normandy Cows, bums pointing this way.

Photo has nothing to do with this diatribe :-
We are off again, but not as originally planned, and previously booked, from Southampton to Santander, to Santiago de Compostela, then Porto, then Lisbon, then Jerez de los Caballeros, then Mijas Pueblo and finally north to Arranques and Bilbao. 
Prompted by Portugal's vacillation on accepting the Astra Zeneca vaccination, we cancelled that lot.
Instead, we planned a staycation – Cornwall, @ enormous expense. Then saw some newsreels of mass queing and lack of masks being worn, we decided France, keeping out of the obvious hot spots, would be fine, and a lot less risky than mingling with Los Ingles in Cornwall.
So, an 8 hour drive from Embra to Dartford, a Travelodge “empty” experience, an earlier ferry than we had booked, and a 6 hour drive to Epaignes, we were refused service at the only open restaurant because the QR codes on our brand new vaccination certificates would not scan. MERDE!

Perhaps 19 days on sandwiches and carry out pizzas . . . 

Watch this space.

Extras + Departing & arrival.

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