
By XSworld

Green square

Every year in Bergamo the Landscape Festival turns the old square of the Upper City (Cittá alta) into a beautiful garden, or as it happens this year, into a meadow. On my daily lunchwalk to the Upper City I have been following the step by step setup of the garden by gardeners and architects moving the plants about to get best effect and I must say that I LOVE the outcome. To my great surprise, today the square was also buzzing with insect life which means that the notice has arrived to the invertebrate world -probably by nose!
This year the featured landacape architect is Nigel Dunnet from England. His theme is "Joyful, immersive and inspirational" and that is exactly the feeling you get when walking over the square. I think it is the best version so far!

The Tower in the back is in one angle of the square. It is the socalled Campanone built in the 11th century and to which 20 meters were added in medieval times.

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