A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Fire In The Sky

There is a huge forest fire burning behind Estepona.

Some say it was started deliberately to divert attention from a big drug movement going on last night. The Guardia were certainly out in force, which may support the theory.

In any case, it has raged through the night and continues to burn now, nearly 24 hours later. The road to school was shrouded in an enormous cloud of smoke, through which the sun could only shine in a dull red glow.

Several hundred residents have been evacuated from their homes as the inferno marches inexorably onwards. 200 aircraft of various types are being used to try to douse the flames, but it does not look as though they are winning yet.

In other news, first-day-back meetings revealed a large new intake of 12 Year 10s to do Maths, with eight opting for ICT. 

Our little school will be bursting at the seams. I shall certainly be busy.

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