High Cloud and Brief Rain at Times.
Er... Well Ok but what times? I thought as the Boss and ME set out after grub (his and mine) for a walk around the block. The promised really bad weather, as so often happens in Wanaka, didn't happen and altho the day was a tad windy not a drop dropped, so to bark. The Boss had a fun Sunday starting with strawberries and cholesterol for breakfast, which won't last much longer (the strawberries not the other) added another few months of captions to the book module, helped out an American friend who unfortunately is returning to America, with some Lightroom tips and finished up the accommodation arrangements for a future adventure TBA in the fullness of time. I spent most of this time on his studio floor on my No 2 bed practising TM (Terrier Meditation) so when the walk was proposed I was up and ready to go.
This image was shot at the last gasp of light so mono was on his mind at shutter drop and amazingly enough we didn't meet anyone while doing the block. Maybe they were eyeing the sky too.
The devil is in the detail.
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