Giving It All Away

Mrs C was up and about at 4.30 this morning as she was setting off for a day’s photography in the Langdales. Decided that if you can’t beat them, you might as well join them and got up early as well to do a car boot sale. It was the second one of the year at the school, but as you can see from the picture, it was only sparsely attended. Whether that’s down to the late announcement of it being on or just because it’s the middle of September, I don’t know, but at the time the photo was taken (two hours in) I had taken the grand total of £3.50, and I’d only done that because everything I’d sold had been at a maximum price of 50p! As the pitch fee was £7 it was shaping up to be a slow and unprofitable morning. I was thinking it might be easier just to give it all away and at least achieve the decluttering goal.
Thankfully, things did pick up a bit later on and I not only ended the day with a (very) small profit but had two empty boxes - which was the main object of the exercise. Unfortunately, a diesel leak from the nearby garage resulted in the arrival of fire engines and police, and subsequent closure of the road outside the site. Which had a detrimental effect on the number of punters coming in, so I decided to pack up and get out whilst I still could. The road closure even made the Radio 2 traffic report as I was driving home!
Financially, things did improve after I got home as I completed the sale of all the old sockets and switches (see yesterday’s blip). I’d put them on the FB Sell and Seek site and they were snapped up within minutes (might have offered them too cheaply!) with a promise to collect this afternoon.
Just relaxing now for the rest of the day. Mrs C returned home absolutely exhausted, having covered some silly distances up hill and down dale in search of things to photograph. I shall look forward to seeing the fruits of her labours once she recovers sufficiently to upload them to the computer.

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