Blooming Edinburgh

I do like when residents put plant pots on their outside house stairs.

It seems that my holiday arrangements are sorted for next year. With all the staycationers booking up holidays more than a year ahead, the Merry Widows were lucky to find a suitable house to rent next year for their Northumberland safari. The house we had this year at Embleton is completely booked until next October and so we are moving a little south to Amble.

The afternoon saw me meeting up face to face for the first time with a group of Maggies Zoom callers. We all thought it strange when we found it difficult to recognise each other when confronted with a whole body and not just a face.

We sat in the sun at the café outside the RSA until we were thrown out when the café shut up shop.

The evening was spent trying on a wet suit I had just bought and trying to do up the zip at the back. I think it is meant to be relatively easy to do on your own. I had to lie down and recover from the exertion.

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