The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Aye Aye

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Basher has a skipper license so we hired a boat for the afternoon.

The boat was pretty powerful (50 knots)* but the weather was amazing and the sea was flat calm which made it the perfect day to be out on the water.

We drove around bays and coves, anchoring and swimming at each of them. We had a boat picnic with a couple of beers.

I was properly in my happy place. I love the sea - it’s beauty and power, the colours and sounds of the water, and swimming in it with the fish around my feet.

We went for dinner in the square and a storm came in. We watched as the forked lightening lit up the sky and we walked home in the warm summer rain.

I already know that this will be my favourite holiday day.


*so VERY different from the one we had the last time we were here EMP!

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